Increase Employee Engagement in Your Organization With A Great Employee Engagement App

Transparency and trust in an organization can inspire employees to be engaged — which results in your staff being more enthusiastic and committed to their work. That being said, there is an urgent need to increase employee engagement at the moment. Recent surveys show that employee engagement is on the rise, but the overall picture is still rather bleak – according to Gallup data, only about 34% of U.S. workers report that they are engaged at work.
But organizations that try to buy the enthusiasm and commitment of their employees are likely to be unsuccessful. While higher pay and better benefits generally improve workers’ satisfaction and overall fulfillment, engagement and extra effort are not really driven by this, according to engagement experts.
The good news is that companies can improve their employee engagement by merely paying more attention to their employees. The great news is that doing so doesn’t have to entail investing huge amounts of money, either. By taking a few small steps, such as acting deliberately and thoughtfully and implementing an employee engagement app that will suit your organization, you can change quite a lot where employee engagement is involved.
Most methods that increase employee engagement share mutual objectives, such as helping employees feel appreciated and emotionally connected to their work. To that end, there are some approaches to increasing employee engagement that can be tailored to suit any culture or budget.
Supply the appropriate tools.
One of the most critical factors of employee engagement may also be one of the most neglected: ensuring that workers have all the resources they need to excel in their jobs. The company’s infrastructure includes the tools and processes that staff use to complete their work and the organizational capabilities they have at their discretion.
As an example, if security protocols require staff to remember four or five separate passwords to sign in to the software they need to do their job, they can become annoyed. They — and the company — are likely to benefit from simplified procedures.
Provide training and coaching.
Creating a culture that fosters continuous development is about more than helping staff to develop the skills they need to do their jobs well – it also communicates that the organization values and believes in the potential of its employees.
Coaching is another essential component of engagement, and managers have a significant role to play in the process here. By investing time and effort into one-on-one coaching, an organization and its leadership show its employees that their potential is not only a priority but an essential and valuable investment.
The Ezzely employee engagement platform has a great built-in training functionality that allows its users to access quality training material on-the-go. Click here to learn more about how it works.
Listen to Employees
Effective leaders pay close attention to what workers have to say and then act on feedback, according to Aon ‘s 2016 Trends in Global Employee Engagement Report. That’s one of the reasons that annual staff surveys are increasingly being replaced or increased by quarterly or monthly surveys, and more frequent performance conversations are taking place.
Not only does a proactive communication strategy help a company recognize and efficiently solve issues, but it also helps people feel respected. The Ezzely employee engagement platform has a survey feature that is easy to use, and that allows your staff to share their ideas with you. Click here to learn more about how it works.
Recognize Proudly and Loudly
It is no secret that rewards and recognition can increase engagement. To that end, organizations need to clearly convey the meaning of the company’s work, because that message gives people a clearer idea of how they fit into the company’s mission and what kind of behavior will be rewarded.
Effective staff recognition is one of the best ways of increasing employee engagement. By doing this, you motivate your employees to do their best, because they know that hard work will not go unseen in your organization.
By spending some time and energy into increasing employee engagement in your organization, you will set your organization apart from its competition, and more importantly, you will create content and a motivated workforce.
Last note:
Are you ready to enjoy the benefits of increased employee engagement in your organization?
We invite you to try Ezzely. Just click here to see how it works or sign up for a free trial here.