Working Remotely During a Pandemic With an Employee Training App

If your team has never completely started working remotely, the transition is not always straightforward. Running a company is complicated and time-consuming enough if you’re not facing a pandemic. It’s one thing to have remote work resources in your arsenal, but it’s another thing to make them work for your team.
One of the most successful ways to work remotely is to automate your activities through an effective employee training app so that you can handle everyday pressure, keep in contact with your colleagues, and save time instead of spending hours on manual work. Configuring your communication lines and managing your data effectively are the two most essential elements to get started with remote work.
But what if you’re able to automate these processes and take your team to the next level? Here are a few employee training app functionalities that are easy and workable. You can use these strategies to streamline your work processes and remain linked, no matter where you are.
1. Communicate, Communicate, and Communicate
When you don’t usually work from home, there’s a risk that there’ll be some bumps on the road when you start working remotely. Communication on an employee training software — especially with your boss and direct reports — is the key to steering through these bumps. Either before you make the switch or as soon as you know it’s going to happen, come up with a plan that sets out expectations of how often you should check-in and how you’re going to convey any changes or new assignments.
Do the same for someone you normally deal with during the day. This plan is likely to change as you go about it, and that’s all right. It is a new experience for everyone. Just make sure to circle back and change the plan if and when problems arise.
2. Keep your Skills up to Date
One of the best ways to use your time effectively during lockdown is by setting some of it aside to keep your skills relevant and up to date. Spending some time on training and upskilling using an employee training app will not only have a positive impact on your career and performance review – it’s also a great self-esteem and productivity booster.
By improving your knowledge and skills, you’ll boost your self-confidence, which has positive effects on your mood and your well-being in general.
3. Store all your Documents in the Cloud
Effective collaboration and teamwork are two of the most significant elements that need support when we are working remotely. One of the biggest obstacles that could potentially affect this is the fact that team members aren’t easily able to access and edit one another’s work.
An easy way of addressing this and making sure it doesn’t become a problem is by ensuring all the essential documents that your team needs to be effective and to deliver are uploaded to an easily accessible online location. This is an excellent feature that most employee training apps include – online document storage functionality that allows staff to upload, store, and edit their documents safely.
4. Employee Rewards and Recognition
Feelings of isolation and loneliness can quickly get the better of us when we are working remotely. Why not prevent and mitigate these feelings positively and creatively? Go out of your way by paying it forward and making your colleagues feel valued and seen during this time – recognize and reward them on your employee training app when they go the extra mile to make projects happen successfully and when they do a job well done.
Working remotely or from home is a new way of doing things, and it comes with a lot of challenges and changes to the world we’re used to. Luckily, we have technology such as employee training apps on our side to help alleviate some of the challenges we face and to help us remain positive and productive during this time.
Last Note:
To implement these guidelines effectively in your organization, you need an employee engagement app that will make communication and collaboration a breeze.
We invite you to try Ezzely for this. Just click here to see how it works or sign up for a free trial here.