Make Your Employees Socialized and Recognized

The office is a place where a lot of our time is spent, but due to things like strict deadlines, pressure and projects (the list goes on), opportunities for us to socialize with our co-workers and to even potentially recognize them on a job well done, is often passed by.
The benefits of socializing with and recognizing our colleagues are, however, many. An interesting article on lists some of the benefits of socialization at the workplace to be a rise in productivity, more competent employees and even reducing the risk of mortality.
When it comes to the benefits and importance of recognition at the workplace, an article on the Ezzely blog covers aspects such as increased career growth and a rise in employee morale.
But how does one go about actually creating an environment that is conducive for socialization and recognition? Let’s unpack a few tips, along with some tools that could help along the way.
Instant communication
The first and most effective way of encouraging socialization at work is to provide employees retention apps that enable them to connect and communicate.
Aside from the fact that immediate assistance and clarification is provided when it is needed, (resulting in increased productivity)instant communication encourages connection and conversation between co-workers.
Ezzely’s Activity Feed makes intra-company communication simple and quick.
Here are some of its functions:
• Delivering alerts about schedule changes.
• Relevant organisational news.
• Guidance regarding policies.
• Coaching around incidents.
• Posting training instructions.
• Sharing pictures.
Want to learn more about Ezzely’s Activity Feed? Click here.
Give your staff something to talk about
Ever found yourself in an awkward moment when a conversation has reached a dead-end?
There are few things in life that can obstruct a good conversation as well as these moments!
Give your employees something to talk about, by creating an exciting event at work, such as a competition or a raffle to improve employee engagement. This will also boost their spirits and spur their growth.
Ezzely’s Raffle feature offers a variety of prizes to staff. Learn more about it here.
An app with an intuitive and accessible recognition functionality
Sometimes we would love to give our co-workers the recognition they deserve, but when we need to go to a lot of trouble to do so, in other words, if the means of recognizing the staff member are too complicated, it is not likely that we will follow through. This is not a bad reflection on us – it is simply the way the world works nowadays. Instant gratification and ease of access are paramount to the success of any venture or idea.
It is therefore crucial to have a recognition feature that staff can access and use easily to recognize one another.
The Ezzely app’s recognition function is simple and easy to use. Learn more about it here.
Enabling a platform for rewards
Creating an environment for socialization and recognition could also be accompanied by providing staff with a platform that enables them to reward one another for small tasks that have been done well.
Ezzely Rewards spark enthusiasm by enabling employees to quickly convert real time achievement recognition into prizes, by means of point accumulations. Points can be redeemed for monetary or non-monetary prizes. Learn more about it here.
Ready to enjoy the numerous benefits of a socialized and recognized workforce at your organization?
Ezzely can provide you with the tools that will make implementation simple and effective.
Just click here to see how it works or sign up for a free trial here.