Employee Appreciation Message Ideas to Boost Your Company’s Culture

Employees want to feel appreciated for their efforts. A massive proportion of employees surveyed in Bersin by Deloitte (79%) indicated that they feel undervalued, mainly because of a lack of recognition and appreciation in their workplace. Many Americans leave their jobs because they do not feel appreciated – in fact, 65% of people surveyed in the aforementioned study said that they received no recognition for good performance in their most recent year of work, while 69% of employees expressed that they would work harder if they felt that their effort would be recognized.
It’s not always easy for companies to come up with the right words to show their employees how much their efforts mean, so we have sourced some employee appreciation message ideas which you can adapt to suit different people in different contexts, whether you want to send it out on your employee motivation app’s news feed or in a personalized note. A little “thank you” goes a long way in creating a company culture of appreciation and gratitude, while also boosting employee engagement.
20 Employee Appreciation Message Ideas
Here are a few of our favourite messaging ideas from Baudville, if you’re looking for some employee appreciation inspiration:
1. Your commitment to quality is obvious in everything you do.
2. Your dedication contributes to our success.
3. Your desire and willingness to work hard, aid our mutual efforts and contribute to our team’s success.
4. Few people have your vision. Thank you for your willingness to share an alternate perspective.
5. Your ability to recognize and react to opportunity often results in personal and mutual success, thank you.
6. The service you provided exceeded all expectations, and guarantees a continuing successful relationship.
7. Your ability to accommodate, even when it wasn’t easy or convenient, assures others [clients and/or colleagues] of a continuing, enjoyable, successful relationship with you.
8. Your commitment to excellence has inspired others to push past merely what is expected. Thank you for setting such a positive example.
9. We recognize and appreciate your dedicated efforts. Thank you.
10. All achievements begin with an idea. Your innovations put those ideas in front. This impetus has empowered the momentum for success. Thank you for providing us with powerful ideas.
11. When others were ready to admit failure, you steadfastly persisted. By refusing to fail, you contributed to the success of this project.
12. You took the time — and that has made all the difference!
13. You faced many obstacles on this project. The way you negotiated them inspired everyone who worked with you.
14. Your ability to listen to others’ ideas with concern and an open mind creates an environment of mutual respect where relationships flourish.
15. You consistently go the extra mile; your efforts are noticed and greatly appreciated.
16. Others often rush headlong into new undertakings, while you remain mindful of the finishing touches that make a good job a superior job.
17. Thank you for taking the initiative. Success can’t be achieved unless someone, like you, has the vision and desire to initiate it.
18. Your extra effort, dedication, insights and opinions are all extremely valuable to the successful undertakings of this organization.
19. Your pride in your work is obvious…and never taken for granted. The quality you attain is an integral part of our success.
20. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Get creative and enlist the help of your employee engagement platform to deliver words of gratitude or tokens of appreciation. With Ezzely, you’re spoiled for choice – Recognize or Reward staff for their efforts or praise them publicly using the Activity Feed. As you can see, you don’t need to write a sonnet to make someone feel valued; very often, a few sincere words can make all the difference to someone’s experience of appreciation in the workplace.