7 Reasons Why Internal Communication is Important for Success

The employee landscape has changed drastically and will continue to change with evolving generational needs and technological advancements. Employees from different generations require different things in order to be satisfied in a workplace. Millennial employees, who are fast becoming more prolific in the modern workplace, want to be well informed to perform effectively in their roles – but effective internal communication is not merely relevant to Millennials alone. The following Staffbase list includes seven reasons why internal communication is a key business function and is more important than ever before:
1. The drive for purpose
Modern staff want to feel like they have a goal to work towards and that their workplace contributions matter. It was found that 73% of employees who say they work at a “purpose-driven” company are engaged, when compared with 23% of those who do not. In addition, in a global survey of 26 000 LinkedIn members, 73% of participants indicated that they want a career in which they feel that their job matters. Staffbase postulates that companies that let their staff in on the “why” through an effective internal communications system will be empowered to engage them in the “what” – working towards common goals
2. Remaining in control of company messages and their origin
It is crucial to make internal points of view readily available to staff, not just during times of crisis, but also in day-to-day operations. Information travels fast, and it is up to companies to keep up with the pace by communicating transparently with employees – employee communication apps that are accessible via employees’ smart devices can fulfil this role.
3. Empowering and supporting middle management
By using effective internal communication mechanisms, such as employee communication apps, it is possible for companies to bridge the gap between different management levels and ensure that communication takes place much faster than what has historically been the case (i.e. trickling down from the top, thus causing delays due to dependencies on multiple people in the communication chain); it allows messages to reach the people who perform work in the frontlinesin a timely manner. Non-team-specific and company-wide messages are better received via a central communication channel (e.g., an employee communication app) to assist in lightening the communication load on middle management and in gaining a much better understanding of a company’s workforce.
4. Keeping the brand promise and satisfying customers
Companies ensure that they keep their brand promise and keep their customers satisfied by ensuring sufficient internal communication with frontline employees. “Clearly-communicated goals, well-trained and informed staff, and happy faces will significantly improve a customer’s encounter with the brand and, it stands to reason, enhance revenue.”
5. In a crisis, internal communication rules
According to Staffbase, internal crisis communication research has found that managers often communicate significantly less with employees during times of crisis – this approach could do more damage than good. Timely and careful communication is key to mastering an internal or external crisis; it ensures that employees remain appropriately apprised of related information and that they are adequately equipped to perform their roles in the face of a crisis.
6. Creating a better work environment
Staffbase asserts that- “Good internal communication provides constant feedback and purpose which increases employee engagement, which in turn decreases turnover rates; ultimately saving the company money.” A better work environment will help companies in lowering turnover rates, and in attracting new talent.
7. Limiting rumors and enhancing transparency
Transparent internal communication is particularly important in a generation known for their skepticism. While grapevine communication can be helpful in building relationships among colleagues and informally transferring information and skills that could perhaps have been lost otherwise, informal communication has its drawbacks, such as misinterpretations and miscommunication of information. By prioritizing frequent internal communication, companies are able to stop rumors in their tracks and show respect for employees’ desire for transparency in the workplace.
There are many employee communication apps out there, but Ezzely is so much more than that. While the Ezzely app empowers transparent communication among the employer and its employees, it facilitates effective communication among colleagues too, allows employers to take stock of employee engagement via its survey functionality, reward staff for excellent performance and improve morale through impromptu or even planned raffles. Visit our website to find out how Ezzely can help you to improve your company’s internal communication, and more.