Research Results that Show Employee Apps are Built to Serve Specific Needs

The number of businesses that use mobile apps for employee engagement ideas and internal communications (IC) is growing significantly. The ability to reach remote knowledge workers, field workers, and shop floor staff is one of the main advantages.
The potential to release real-time information and push notifications to mobile devices is of great value to any comms team, and so employee engagement ideas, such as connecting with their co-workers and digesting multimedia content in bite-size chunks.
But it’s not an easy process to build an employee engagement platform. In addition to the technological and budgetary hurdles, there is a wider question as to what is going to engage employees.
Let’s unpack a few things to bear in mind when you are looking for an effective employee engagement platform to launch in your organization.
Research shows that it is essential that both Apple and Android devices are compatible with an employee engagement platform. If not, you run the risk of a significant percentage of your workforce being marginalized. Just over half (54 %) of the respondents of this study owned an Apple phone, and just over 40% own an Android device.
Did you know that Ezzely employee engagement platform can be downloaded on both iOS as well as Android? Click here to check it out.
Social interaction
The 3 applications that were identified to be used the most during this study all had a solid social component: Facebook (62%), messaging applications – Whatsapp and Facebook messenger (56%) – and Apple Mail and Microsoft Outlook (38%).
There was a clear split between the generations, however. Those under 41 were in favor of the messaging applications, while Facebook was much more likely to be used by people aged 42 and over. An effective employee engagement app is, therefore, going to need social features that build and maintain a sense of community.
The Ezzely employee engagement app has various social interaction features and employee engagement opportunities. Click here to learn more about it.
Transparency and reliability
The main reason why people delete an app is when the app fails to deliver on the promise that was made regarding its features and benefits. Apps are removed by almost 60 % of users because it falls short of their expectations.
This means that your employee engagement platform’s features need to be straightforward and real – it’s very risky to over-promise and under-deliver. If you promise users features that the app won’t be able to deliver, they are going to delete it.
The features of the Ezzely employee engagement platform are not only reliable but effective.
Click here to learn more about them.
Last note:
Are you ready to enjoy the many benefits of engaged employees in your organization?
We invite you to try Ezzely. Just click here to see how it works or sign up for a free trial here.