Boost your Staff Retention Rate with these Simple Tips

Is your retention of employees at an all-time high? Can’t seem to scare staff off, even if you try? Congratulations- you are in a very fortunate and rare situation. However –if, like the rest of us, you find yourself in one of the many companies that experience challenges when it comes to high turnover, you may wonder what you can do to address this and to maintain your most valued employees.
Top talent is in high demand in an increasingly competitive world. If you don’t treat your top employees well, another business may come to steal them away.
Here are some tips that could help you keep your staff, and better yet, make them feel proud of their choice to remain at your organization:
A flexible work schedule
We know what you’re thinking:
“What if my staff take advantage of a flexible work schedule?”
In our opinion, this benefit is more about offering staff the peace of mind to be able to swap shifts when life occurs, rather than offering them an excuse for playing hooky.
This way of working provides some leeway to your staff when it comes to unexpected events affecting their timetable, and by having more control over their routines, staff’s morale will grow.
The Shift Swap feature of the Ezzely employee retention app allows staff to swap their schedules and is easy to understand and use. Click here to learn more about how it works.
A communicative working environment
One of the simplest things to do to improve your staff retention, is to provide your staff with an environment in which they feel safe and heard. You don’t need to provide extravagant snacks or lengthy breaks – sometimes something as simple as just listening to your staff is enough. Take every complaint and feedback into account.
The Survey feature of the Ezzely employee retention app is easy to use and enables you to do exactly that. Click here to learn more about how it works.
Recognize good work
One of the best ways of incentivizing staff to remain at your organization is recognizing a job well done. We all appreciate it when the work that we do does not go unseen, and this motivates us to keep doing our best at the office every day.
The Recognize Colleagues feature of the Ezzely employee engagement platform enables you and your employees to recognize one another on a job well done. Click here to learn more about how it works.
Offer efficient training
Often times, businesses expect their staff to arrive fully trained and certified. Yet, many people aren’t prepared to invest in assisting them to stay up to date and relevant in their training.
Whether you are sending staff to a training center, or providing membership to an effective employee retention app, they see it as an investment in their profession if you take the education of your staff seriously.
The Training feature of the Ezzely engagement platform enables you and your employees to learn new skills on a daily basis. Click here to learn more about how it works.
Create the right culture
Finding employees who feel a strong bond with your business begins with establishing an atmosphere that attracts those employees. The culture of your business should suit the sort of worker you want to hire, whether you choose a by-the-book, a rigorous workplace or a more informal, laid-back environment.
The Survey feature of the Ezzely engagement platform enables to gather the feedback of your staff regarding your current culture. Click here to learn more about how it works.
Last note:
Are you ready to enjoy a lower staff turnover rate at your organization?
We invite you to try Ezzely. Just click here to see how it works or sign up for a free trial here.