5 Attributes a Boss Possesses that Can Kill Motivation

There are universal attributes of a great boss. Confidence, compassion, vision, and inspiration are widely sought after traits within leadership teams. However, great power yields great influence. While bosses have the power to inspire a company, they also have the power to discourage and demotivate. From inconsistency to micro-management, here are five qualities of bosses that will kill the motivation of their office.
Being consistent with leadership relays honor and respect from employees. From job requirements to project details, inconsistency within leadership creates a sense of chaos within the company as a whole. Inconsistency communicates laziness and carelessness, all of which damages employee motivation. Leaders set an example for the rest of their company in their work manner, while performing inconsistently severely damages the respect employees have for their bosses as well as their job.
While policy plays a critical role in office management, bosses’ who take management too far can exasperate and demotivate employees. Micro-managing communicates a lack of trust to employees, which discourages employee productivity and loyalty. Excessive management damages the quality of work produced; if less important requirements are stressed as much as essential policies, crucial details are more likely to be overlooked, as they are in competition with less important details. The correct balance of policy to independence is essential to promote confidence in the office, as well as effective leadership.
Hiring and Promoting Carelessly
Inconsiderate hires and promotions are a quick way to both discourage employees and employee loyalty. For loyal and hard-working employees to be disregarded in favor of flakey co-workers kills office motivation. If poor-performing employees are hired and promoted, why should other employees work hard at all? To create a culture of positivity and growth, bosses should be sure to look for hard-working team players to promote within the company. This practice will encourage employees to go above and beyond in their work to be competitive within the office.
Holding Low Standards
There are few practices that are as unmotivating as a boss that holds low standards for company work. After all, if the boss does not care about the produced quality of work, why should the employees? The concept of a team only being as strong as it’s the weakest link rings true here; if one team member is slacking, the whole company suffers. It is the responsibility of a boss to motivate team members to reach their full potential. The tolerance of poor performers can also discourage employee loyalty, as hard workers might quit in favor of more favorable office environments.
Failure to Praise
The power of affirmation is a tool that often gets overlooked in leadership domains. While corrections are necessary for productive work, positive feedback affirms and encourages employees. Raises, promotions, or even simple public recognition of success can strengthen positive work habits. Recognizing employees’ success motivates and strengthens a team, and is a tool of excellent leaders.
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