Why a Good Employee Engagement Platform is Superior to Employee Surveys

Employee engagement surveys have their place in the world of work, and as a company that strives to enhance employee engagement by understanding organizations’ pain points, Ezzely certainly advocate for them – as is evident from our inclusion of employee survey functionality in our platform. However, we also advocate for the use of tools that will make a real difference in improving organizations’ engagement levels, and an employee survey is not the only means through which to gauge engagement levels.
Why employee surveys should not be used in isolation
There are a few reasons why employee surveys alone do not provide the most accurate gauge of employee engagement and would benefit from additional data obtained through an employee engagement platform:
1. It’s just not that high on the priority list
Employees are often reluctant to take time out of their work to complete a survey – it’s just not at the top of the list of priorities when considering the urgency of deliverables in comparison to the urgency of survey feedback – especially in cases where employees are not office-bound and do not have direct, easy access to a computer in the course of their day.
2. Mistrusting surveys and their motives
Despite surveys often promising anonymity, some people are wary of the possibility that survey responses could be traced back to them, particularly if sent to them via a company platform, and in cases where their feedback might be less than favorable. So, even if an employee responds to a survey, they might not be inclined to provide truthful or complete feedback.
3. Saying what they think the company wants to hear
This point links with the previous one. Some people do not want to rock the boat or show themselves in a bad light by giving negative feedback, thus they might answer survey questions with solely favorable responses – completely defeating the purpose of an employee engagement survey.
Why a holistic employee engagement platform is more useful than survey data alone
Instead of relying solely on surveys for feedback, ensure that employees have easy access to an employee engagement platform via their mobile devices – thus eliminating the need for a computer or laptop to access communication and engagement channels.
Ezzely can be downloaded as an app onto employees’ mobile devices and be accessed wherever they may find themselves. In this way, employees can share work-related news or ask questions on the Activity Feed, as an example. Spaces such as an Activity Feed on an employee engagement platform allow organizations to easily gauge real-time problems faced by employees and to respond in a timely manner – no survey required and a sure-fire way to boost engagement immediately and in the long run.
Keep your finger on your organization’s pulse by making use of data obtained through all features of an employee engagement platform to help you illuminate issues that may not be forthcoming by making use of survey data alone.
Employee engagement apps are meant to keep employees connected to one another, to HR and to leadership and should become a useful resource for staff to consult in their day-to-day work activities. Ezzely provides a holistic platform – while it is up to the organization to make it work to their advantage through fast responses, transparent information-sharing, useful learning material, and by showing employees that their concerns are taken seriously by addressing them promptly and with care.
Check out www.ezzely.com to discover all the incredible ways your organization can train faster, communicate better, build consistency into your processes all while inviting interaction and achievements within your organization.