Start Your First Employee Training Program Through Ezzely

Training for employees is critical for so many reasons. It improves staff motivation and retention, boosts morale and increases employee engagement, to name a few. Even more so, when done correctly, the effect on performance, creativity and profitability will also be positive – an effective training initiative is not only great for your workforce, but for your organization and clientele as well.
Would you like to improve the current training initiatives in your organization? Or maybe you need to develop a brand-new curriculum, and you need it to be launched on reliable employee training software that will make training simple and effective?
In this article, we will cover a few tips on how you can do this effectively in your organization, along with suggestions on a powerful employee training app that will make development as well as implementation a breeze.
Include your employees
It’s a fact that the most effective training initiatives are the ones that were influenced by the people who have to complete them – the learners themselves. Consult your employees on what they want to know more about and incorporate them in the development of the training program.
The more feedback you receive from your learners, the better. Here are a few suggestions for questions you can include:
a) What would make you feel more confident at work?
b) Which way do you prefer to learn (e.g., In a classroom? By yourself?)
c) What are your frustrations when it comes to learning at work?
The Survey feature of the Ezzely employee engagement app is a great way to gather this feedback from your staff. Click here to learn more about how it works.
Offer a variety
In today’s content-flooded world, the attention span of learners (whether they are adults or children) is shorter than ever. By utilizing a variety of different activities in your employee training app (such as text, video or audio), you make it much easier for your learner to stay engages and focused on the training content.
In addition to this, offering your learners a chance to select courses of their choice from a variety or a catalog will make them feel that they are in charge of their own learning. This is one of the best motivation boosters when it comes to learning – by offering your learners a choice, instead of telling them what to do.
The Training feature of the Ezzely employee training app has a variety of courses that can include training content in many different formats. Learn more about how it works.
Provide on-demand learning
In today’s world of ever-increasing pressure and deadlines at work, the scenario of learning for an hour or two behind one’s desk is decreasing by the day.
Although this way of learning will always have its place, the need for on-demand or readily available chunks of micro-learning content is growing more and more prominent. Employees need an employee engagement app that provides them with content on what to do and how to do it, right before it needs to be done.
The Quick Train feature of the Ezzely employee training software offers exactly that. Click here to learn more about how it works.
Last note:
Are you ready to enjoy the many benefits of effective employee training in your organization?
We invite you to try Ezzely. To see how it works or sign up for a free trial here.